Tony Attwood: London 2015 Autism Conference – at The British Library

I wish I knew about this early enough 🙁 Really really can’t believe I will miss this!!!


Autistic Intelligence presents:

Tony Attwood

with Adam Feinstein

What Works In Autism ?

 London 2015 Conference

 January 12th 2015

The British Library

96 Euston Road, London NW1


Tony Attwood
Tony Attwood

This is the third of our What Works In Autism conferences, based on our forthcoming collaborative book, following the first over-subscribed conference held in Glasgow with Tony Attwood, Michelle Garnett and Wendy Lawson, and the Leeds conference on October 10th 2014.

We are delighted to bring Tony Attwood back to London, where he last presented to a huge audience and rapturous applause in January 2013, at the Hotel Russell. This time Tony will be joined by Adam Feinstein, who provides web-base conferences for Autism Cymru. He’s a life-long journalist, a linguist with a strong interest in the arts, and the author of The History of Autism. He is the parent of an autistic son.

We are also hugely grateful to have been offered the prestigious British Library as the venue for this important conference. We are certain that it will provide a stimulating and valuable setting for the latest work in progress from our ground-breaking book What Works in Autism?

Unlike at our last visit to London, the delegate fees for this conference include a light lunch provided by The British Library’s caterers, Peyton and Byrne, that we hope you will enjoy. You can check this out as the ‘Printer Package’ at Lunch is basically sandwiches, crisps, and fresh fruit, accompanied by homemade elderflower pressĂ©. We draw your attention to this and the other refreshments, in the interests of transparency, as they demonstrate clearly a basic fee that every delegate costs us, quite apart from the speaker costs that are at a similar per person rate and additional to the venue and catering (day delegate) rates. The prices we offer, you’ll perhaps see, are considerably below cost price for those least able to pay. We are not a profit-making organisation, but a social enterprise, dedicated to autism education, working on a shoe-string with a staff of one.

All in all, this promises to be our most exciting conference to date, in an astounding venue, held in the Auditorium, with ranked seating, the Chaucer Room, and the Foyer.  We have state-of-the-art facilities, and will be in the company of the world expert in Asperger’s Syndrome, and one of the most gifted, knowledgeable and experienced writers on autism (and Pablo Neruda!) in the UK.

As ever, our pricing structure benefits those on low, or no salaries, and we offer discounted rates for groups of four or more. Our online ticketing service (below) gives you the opportunity to reserve your seat instantly. However, we can also allow payment by invoice if you email us at or telephone on 07971 471617. We would advise you to buy tickets at the discounted Early Bird rate, and to ask about invoice bookings early, so as to get the best value. We are particularly interested in bookings from support groups, parents, and those on the autism spectrum, as well as teachers, psychologists and those in the medical profession,  working as social carers and mentors or befrienders, or in advisory positions. We offer promotional/discount codes for members of the NAS or other autism and support groups wishing to book online. Please telephone for details.



8.45 – 9.15 Registration with tea and coffee

9.15- 9.30 Introduction – Dr Barbara Jacobs

9.30 – 11.00 Professor Tony Attwood – What works in diagnosis and after – boys and girls?

11.00 -11.30 Refreshments, with tea coffee and biscuits

11.30 – 12.30 Adam Feinstein – What Works according to the autism pioneers, and what works for parents?

12.30  – 1.30  Light lunch

1.30 – 3.00 Tony Attwood –  What works with teenagers and adults, and why?

3.00- 3.30 Refreshments, with tea coffee and biscuits

3.30 – 4.30 Questions to Tony and Adam

4.30 Ends