To do or not to do [a PhD]: that is the question

Yesterday I took part on an event at university. I was invited to speak to prospect Ph.D students about my experience, to help them in their decision whether starting a Ph.D in the next academic year. It was interesting and a great opportunity to reflexively look back to the past few years and articulate in a simple way the complexities of this sophisticated process of developing oneself through the doctorate studies. I enjoyed myself a lot by doing so and I think that some of the possible candidates left the place thinking about significant things before making their decision.  This was as well an opportunity to meet some people I have not seen for quite a while, and to do some catching up. But above all, it was the first event I attended not as a Ph.D student anymore, and that was wonderful. What a lovely feeling of achievement. It is so pleasant to complete a task, even more a huge one like this. Oh, happy day.