The tangram puzzle

Tangram is a Chinese puzzle made of seven cut-out shapes and the objective of the game is to create figures with all seven pieces without overlapping. Similar to the jigsaw puzzle, the tangram is classified as a dissection puzzle (a set of pieces cut in geometric shapes).

But there is a significant difference between those two puzzles, which is how to reach a solution. This factor is also why I associate autism with tangram, instead of the traditional jigsaw puzzle piece.

As someone who appreciates puzzles, it took me some time to grasp the true significance behind the puzzle piece as a symbol of autism. My fondness for jigsaw puzzles initially obscured the deeper meaning behind this seemingly innocuous symbol. Someone told me today that speaking about certain organisation which uses the puzzle piece as their symbol would open a can of all kinds of worms. I liked that, and I know it is true.

However, as the Tangram Method evolved, I came to realise another layer of meaning, which is the actual objective of the game. Unlike completing a jigsaw puzzle, where success hinges on reproducing an exact image by placing each piece in its predetermined and only possible location, the Tangram offers a completely different and highly flexible approach. With seven pieces that are neither entirely unique nor identical, the Tangram allows for endless possibilities in creating various shapes through strategic placement, harnessing the beauty of geometry.

From the perspective of the Tangram metaphor, a neurodivergent individual is defined by the richness of their experiences, shaped by their upbringing, degree of self-awareness of their neurodivergent traits and the personal characteristics of their personality type. With this in mind, each neurodivergent person can construct their own Tangram to represent themselves, if they choose to. They can also determine which pieces represent different aspects of themselves, based on the significance they attribute to each aspect in shaping their identity and interactions with the world. Why don’t you have a go at creating your own neurodivergent avatar? There are tangram builders online, but even more fun, find a tangram set and have fun!