Seminars – 2007

  The ESRC National Centre for
Research Methods,

  School of Nursing & Midwifery,
School of Education, School of Management, a
nd the Southampton Research & Development Support Unit,

  are pleased to announce three
seminars on


in qualitative research


These seminars look at disputes and ‘hullabaloo’ surrounding three qualitative approaches – action research, participatory research and biographical/narrative research – which are increasingly used in research on health, education, management and organisation.

The seminars will be deliberately provocative – we have asked two experts known for their challenging and stimulating contributions to the debates to start off each seminar and we are hoping that participants will join in with what promises to be a lively and engaging seminar.

There is no
such thing as action-research – isn’t it just ordinary change

Julienne Meyer

(City University)

  and Richard Lilford
(University of Birmingham)

14th March 2007 at

  School of Nursing & Midwifery,
Building 67, Room E1003


Narrative and
biographical forms of research – are we just telling stories?

Jens Brockmeier

(Universities of Manitoba & East London)

  and Tom Wengraf
(University of East London)

2 May 2007 at 4.30-6.00pm

  School of Education, Building 34,
Room 3019


research – who are we kidding?

Vikki Entwistle

(University of Dundee) and Roger Steel (INVOLVE)

27 June 2007 at 12.30-2pm

  School of Social Sciences, B58a,
Room 1019


All welcome.


  Tea & coffee
provided – please feel free to bring your lunch to the lunchtime seminars.

  For further
details please contact: