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References for ‘Evelyn, Simone and Benazir’ series


(2008) Obituary – Benazir Bhutto – Once Pakistan’s great hope. The economist, 386, 74.


APPIGNANESI, L. (2005) Simone De Beauvoir (Life & Times), London, Haus Publishing.


BEAUVOIR, S. D. (1959) Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, Cleveland, World Pub. Co.


BEAUVOIR, S. D. (1962) The Prime of Life, Cleveland, World Pub. Co.


BEAUVOIR, S. D. (1965) Force of Circumstances, New York, Putnam.


BEAUVOIR, S. D. (1974) All Said and Done: An Autobiography 1962-1972, New York, Putnam.


BHUTTO, B. (1989) Daughter of Destiny: An Autobiography, New York, Simon and Schuster.


BHUTTO, B. (2008) Benazir’s Last Testament: extracted from Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the West. The Sunday Times.


BRUNER, J. (2004) Life as Narrative. Social research, 71, 691.


CLARKE, G. (2006) Evelyn Dunbar: War and Country, Bristol, Sansom and Company.


COUSER, G. T. (2004) The Obituary of a Face: Lucy Grealy, Death Writing and Posthumous Harm. Auto/Biography, 12, 1-15.


DENZIN, N. K. (1997) Interpretive Ethnography: Ethnographic Practices for the 21st Century, Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.


DENZIN, N. K. & LINCOLN, Y. S. (Eds.) (1998) Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, Thousand Oaks-London-New Delhi, SAGE Publications.


DEWEY, J. (1997) Experience and Education, New York, Touchstone.


GOTHLIN, E. Simone de Beauvoir’s Notions of Appeal, Desire, and Ambiguity and their Relationship to Jean-Paul Sartre’s Notions of Appeal and Desire. Muse Project (Review this ref).


GRIMWOOD, T. (2008) Re-Reading The Second Sex: Theorizing the Situation British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 16, 197 – 213.


MOI, T. (1994) Simone de Beauvoir: The Making of an Intellectual Woman, Oxford-Cambridge, Blackwell.


REHMAT, K. (2007) Daughter of tragedy. Al Jazeera.


TIMES, T. N. Y. (1986) Simone De Beauvoir, Author And Intellectual, Dies In Paris At 78 , The New York Times.


WEBSTER, P. (1986) Turbanned guerrilla: Obituary of Simone de Beauvoir, French feminist writer The Guardian.


WHITMAN, A. (1980) Jean-Paul Sartre, 74, Dies in Paris. The New York Times.


WIKIPEDIA (2008a) Benazir Bhutto.


WIKIPEDIA (2008b) Evelyn Mary Dunbar.


WIKIPEDIA (2008c) Simone de Beauvoir.


WINDSOR, A. (2004) Dunbar, Evelyn Mary (1906–1960) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, online ed. Oxford University Press.




Evelyn, Simone and Benazir: singular women, unique biographies [the complete series]:

Biography in three genres: an introduction
Evelyn, Simone and Benazir: Singular women, distinctive biographies

Autobiography of a daughter

Is it a hindsight[ful] biography? Looking at obituaries and other sources



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