ABSTRACT: This paper contrasts concepts of education and narrative, taking into account a personal perspective, stressing the similarities between both, through the analysis of principles that can be argued as fundamentals of both education and narrative, which are labelled here as ‘intersections’, then the intersections are analysed in contrast with educational research. This essay intends to present one possible answer to the proposed question about how an understanding of narrative can be regarded as an educative process; answer that takes into account mainly stated personal understandings of the question.
Table of contents
Introduction: ‘I have read your romance on the subject of education’
1. Narrative and Education: comparing the concepts
1.1. Examining the concept of education
1.2. Examining the concept of narrative
2. Narrative and Education: four non-arbitrary intersections
2.1. Principle of authorship
2.2. Principle of temporal continuity
2.3. Principle of empowerment
2.4. Principle of Interaction through communication
3. Conclusion: beginning and finishing from my standpoint
3.1. Personal account: autobiography as an emancipatory learning experience
3.2. Conclusion: how I regard my understanding of narrative as an educative process