Book review: Working with Vulnerable Children, Young People and Families. Vinha, Hilra,  Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs · Volume 15 · Number 1 · 2015 82–83 doi: 10.1111/1471-3802.12093

Article: Creative interactions with data: using visual and metaphorical devices in repeated focus group, Nind, Melanie and Vinha, Hilra (2014). Qualitative Research, SAGE, DOI: 10.1177/1468794114557993 (The online version of this article can be found at

Methodological review paper: Practical considerations in doing research inclusively and doing it well Nind, Melanie and Vinha, Hilra (2014) Practical considerations in doing research inclusively and doing it well: Lessons for inclusive researchers. NCRM Working Paper. NCRM

Article: Building an inclusive research community: the challenges and benefits, NIND Melanie, VINHA Hilra Gondim, Learning Disability Today, 13(3), May/June 2013, pp.22-24,  Emerald, Brighton

Article: Doing research inclusively: bridges to multiple possibilities in inclusive research Jan-2013Nind, M & Vinha, H, 2013, ‘Doing research inclusively: bridges to multiple possibilities in inclusive research’, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, vol. 27, pp. 48-n/a.

Accessible report: Doing research inclusively, doing research well? Report of the study: Quality and capacity in inclusive research with people with learning disabilities, Melanie Nind & Hilra Vinha, 2012

Book review: From teacher to lover: sex scandals in the classroom, International Journal of Research & Method in Education Volume 33, Issue 3, 2010, DOI: 10.1080/1743727X.2010.512101

Conference paper: Enabling findings: Making Research Findings Accessible by Using Literary Structure [ethnographic fiction], Seventh International Conference on the Future of the Book’ University of Edinburgh – 16th to 18th October 2009

Conference paper: The exceptional experience of difference, Conference Families, History and Learning Difficulties, Open University, 9th and 10thJuly 2009

Conference paper: Why I am doing this in this way: a reflective narrative, Dimensions of Difference Researching & Theorising Inclusion, University of Southampton, 27th March 2009

Thesis Learners’ perspectives of identity and difference: a narrative study on visual and verbal representation of self and other.  University of Southampton, School of Education, Doctoral Thesis, 289pp

Book review: Researching Life Stories: Method, Theory and Analyses in a Biographical Age –  International Journal of Research & Method in Education Volume 29, Issue 2, 2006, DOI:10.1080/17437270600891846