[02 May 2007]
Jens Brockmeier
(Universities of Manitoba & East London)
and Tom Wengraf
(University of East London)
Mike Erben
The autobiographical process:
-memory, narrative and the self
Identity and Self:
* The self is already there, identity is constructed
* Identity construction:
is a process in time
is based on consciousness
we produce, we create, we construct it
is the situation of the self in time
we create our identity by our past, our memories, by the stories we tell about ourselves
* An autobiographical act is mixed together with other autobiogrphical acts.
* We often reencode memory in new contexts
* Autobiographical process is intermingled with other perceptual, cognitive and affective processes; and it is typically part of, or trigerred by, social interaction.
* Autobiographical process and narrative come from the same source
Narrative techniques and devices:
Switch between Fabula and Sjuzet
Switch between different levels of time
Switch between different mental stages
Switch between different narrative perspectives/voices
Switch between foreground and background
Switch between individual and cultural memory
similies, comparsons
Biography and Research Methods
* A full biography is not feasable, what we have are fragments of life
Theoretical perspectives:
The Philosophical
The sociological
The Psychoanalitic
Practical activities:
Creating the data
Imagination and the data
The data
* Self definitions
* Most of our data must be reconstructed by imagination
* Comprehensive mode of inquiry
Section in a book:
Nostalgia and Autobiogfraphy: the past in the present, in Auto/Biography (2006) vol. 14
* Nostalgia as a sense of lost of a positive past
[Emerged from audience’s questions]
Interpreting your data through good faith is a moral act
A good description is an explanation
A good description is blended with interpretation